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///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// made in Germany ///////////////////////////////////// 2008
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Engineering | R&D |

_Gesellschaft für Zweirad- und Maschinenbau mbH

Külftalstraße 18
31093 Lübbrechtsen

CALL: +49 (0) 5185-95 7191
FAX: +49 (0) 5185-95 7192

Dipl. Ing. (TU) Karlheinz Nicolai

District Court of HRB Hildesheim 110223


Grafik Design & Fotografien:

Hoshi Yoshida


Dear Friends, Riders and Customers .......... and all others ...........

Attention: The email address info@nicolai.net is no longer valid. Being objective, innovations leaving
the Nicolai workshop are the result of a permanent developmental process. In order to serve your
demands in a quick and efficient way, please send your email direct to the responsible person:

[1] If you want to order a frame or a spare part, please use the Nicolai order generator only. You find it here:
http://builder.nicolai.dbap.de . At the end of the order procedure you find space to explain special details and demands.
After we receive your order, you will get an PDF order confirmation via email. If you do not get the order confirmation
within a reasonable time, please contact marcel@nicolai.net. (phone: (-49) (0)5185-60 266-50)

[2] If you are an "end-user" and you need a quote for a complete custom made Nicolai Bike including shipment to your home , Martin Dümmel
(martin@nicolai.net) is the one you need to speak to. He is a passioned rider and able to support your demands. Technical questions about the usage of certain Bike parts in combination with Nicolai frames should be communicated with Martin, too.

[3] If you would like to order a taylor made frame using your custom geometrie or even a tandem , please send your mail to

[4] If you are a dealer and you would like to work together with Nicolai, please feel free to contact Vincent Stoyhe (vinc@nicolai.net)
Any issues regarding orders, delivery times and shipments should be communicated with Vincent, too.
(phone: (-49) (0)5185-60266-19)

[5] If you do not find the needed spare parts in the order generator http://builder.nicolai.dbap.de or if you have specific questions related to Nicolai spare parts, you need to contact Hendrik Hauke (hendrik@nicolai.net) . He is also the right person reg the complete G-Boxx technology.

[6] If you want to send us your frame or bike for service, paint job or rebuilding, please contact Volker Johst (volker@nicolai.net).
Any questions reg. the status of the work or quotes should be communicated with him, too. (phone: (-49) (0)5185-60 266-11)

[7] If you have questions reg. the Gates Carbon Drive, please contact marcel@carbondrive.net. (phone: (-49) (0)5185-60 266-50)

[8] If you would like to order Nicolai clothing, stickers, frame decals or a catalogue, please use the order generator
http://builder.nicolai.dbap.de. Contact Ulla Nicolai if you need to sort out additional issues reg this. (Ulla@nicolai.net)

[9] For any other urgent issues , please mail to kalle@nicolai.net.


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Hendrik Hauke
: final assembly, racing team mechanics,G-Boxx Service

1 (-49) (0)5185-60 266-10

Volker Johst: mechanic and service tech.

1 (-49) (0)5185-60 266-11
14 4

Vincent Stoyhe
: sales / Verkauf

1 (-49) (0)5185-60 266-18

Falco Mille
: communication, marketing

1 falco@nicolai.net
6 Kalle

Hoshi - K. Yoshida
: design & photography / Design und Fotografie

1 hoshi@nicolai.net

Karlheinz Nicolai
: CEO, mechanical engineer

1 (-49) (0)5185-60266-15

Worldwide distributors

Dealer network
   [ NICOLAI Testcenter Germany]
Design lab

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Külftalstr. 18
31093 Lübbrechtsen

© copyright 2007 WHY GbR Nicolai / Yoshida Germany